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Home > Get a Level 100 Celebi via Nintendo Network Until March 24

Get a Level 100 Celebi via Nintendo Network Until March 24

Celebi Event 2016

The second Mythical Pokemon distribution to celebrate Pokemon's 20th Annivesary in 2016 is now live in North America and Europe. March's event Pokemon is the Johto Legendary Celebi. The Celebi is Level 100 and comes fully equipped with the ability Natural Cure and the moves Confusion, Recover, Heal Bell, and Safeguard. This Level 100 Celebi is rare to come by, so make sure to get it before March 24.

To receive the Celebi, select the "Mystery Gift" option in Pokemon X and Y, or Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire versions. Proceed to choose the "Get via Internet" option. Head into the game and speak to the lady that's waiting in any Pokémart to claim your Celebi. Since this is a Nintendo Network event, you can even get a seperate Celebi for every version of X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire you have!

News from Around the Net


rebecca on 2016-03-03 17:32:00
Which pokemart is it? Can't find it

Rial Johnson on 2016-03-04 06:19:00
Any poke mart you visit after getting the gift.

Joseph Chance Watkins on 2016-03-08 20:36:00
:D sweet. Thanks for sharing; Jesus Christ Bless! :)

rando on 2016-03-18 13:43:00
i got Celebi! But when i use her in battle, all she does is sleep! What am I missing? Sorry, i'm new at pokemon and just started playing. Do I need to obtain more badges before she'll listen to me?

Rial Johnson on 2016-03-20 13:00:00
You'll need to defeat all eight gym leaders before your Celebi will obey, because she is level 100.



Get a Level 100 Celebi via Nintendo Network Until March 24
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Home > Get a Level 100 Celebi via Nintendo Network Until March 24

Get a Level 100 Celebi via Nintendo Network Until March 24

Celebi Event 2016

The second Mythical Pokemon distribution to celebrate Pokemon's 20th Annivesary in 2016 is now live in North America and Europe. March's event Pokemon is the Johto Legendary Celebi. The Celebi is Level 100 and comes fully equipped with the ability Natural Cure and the moves Confusion, Recover, Heal Bell, and Safeguard. This Level 100 Celebi is rare to come by, so make sure to get it before March 24.

To receive the Celebi, select the "Mystery Gift" option in Pokemon X and Y, or Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire versions. Proceed to choose the "Get via Internet" option. Head into the game and speak to the lady that's waiting in any Pokémart to claim your Celebi. Since this is a Nintendo Network event, you can even get a seperate Celebi for every version of X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire you have!

News from Around the Net


rebecca on 2016-03-03 17:32:00
Which pokemart is it? Can't find it

Rial Johnson on 2016-03-04 06:19:00
Any poke mart you visit after getting the gift.

Joseph Chance Watkins on 2016-03-08 20:36:00
:D sweet. Thanks for sharing; Jesus Christ Bless! :)

rando on 2016-03-18 13:43:00
i got Celebi! But when i use her in battle, all she does is sleep! What am I missing? Sorry, i'm new at pokemon and just started playing. Do I need to obtain more badges before she'll listen to me?

Rial Johnson on 2016-03-20 13:00:00
You'll need to defeat all eight gym leaders before your Celebi will obey, because she is level 100.

