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Pokemon X & Y Elite Four
Here we are, we've defeated the 8 Gym Leaders and have made our way through Victory Road, what challenges lie ahead in the X and Y Pokemon League? No worries, our Pokemon X and Y Elite Four guide will give you all the necessary information to claim your spot as Kalos Pokémon League Champion! You can pick and choose who you face in whatever order you want, just like in Generation V. So then, are you ready?
Elite #1 Malva - Fire Type

Malva is the first to introduce herself as soon as you step through the door to the main chamber. She’s rather hot (no, not in that sense) and boasts it with some very fiery Pokemon. Unfortunately, she’s probably the easiest of the Elite Four as Water can go through her team with no problems. A bulky Vaporeon can take hits while dishing out the damage with Surf, but you’re not restricted for Water types across Kalos, so it’s up to you. With one down, there are three remaining.
Elite #2 Wikstrom - Steel Type

Wikstrom provides our first variation in the form of Probopass, who receives neutral damage from Fire, so you aren’t going to just steamroll his team like Malva. A solid Water type can deal with Probopass, but be warned as it knows Discharge. Fighting type can be recommended too. However, Aegislash outright resists it, receiving no damage at all. Fire is most useful, especially against Scizor who receives four times damage. Aegislash is interesting though, as when it first comes out it is in Shield Forme, meaning it’s defences are ridiculously high. It can also switch into Blade Forme where it’s defences are swapped to it’s attack stats and becomes very powerful. However, it’s slow, so you will most likely have priority. With Wikstrom defeated, two remain.
Elite #3 Drasna - Dragon Type

Fairy will decimate her team, with one exception. Dragalge, which always goes first, is neutral to Fairy type, being part Poison. Luckily, Wulfric gave you Ice Beam, so it can be dealt with fairly well. Two of her Pokemon are weak to Electric too, so if you fancy taking that route then be my guest. So long as you can attack first, you shouldn’t have too much difficulty here. A strong Fairy type like Gardevoir will have a lot of fun toying around (it can even take on Dragalge with Psychic). With Drasna dealt with, only one remains.
Elite #4 Siebold - Water Type

Remember in the last guide when we said Thunderbolt was crucial? This is why. Siebold can be the hardest member of the Elite Four if you allow him to, all because of Gyarados. It loves to use Dragon Dance, which boost it’s attack and speed, easily allowing it to set up and sweep your entire team with ease. His Starmie is no slouch either, being quick and heavy hitting. While Thunderbolt can deal with most of his team, Barbaracle is part Rock. However this means he suffers from a weakness to Grass, quite a lot, so if you picked little Bulbasaur from Sycamore then wreak havoc on it. With Siebold finished, you have now bested the Elite Four. But who lies beyond the great door?
From here we delve past the gate to the champion. Beyond the great door lies your greatest challenge yet. That is, unless you’re prepared. Are you ready to take the last step into the realm of the Pokemon League?
Pokemon League Champion Diantha
It was Diantha all along! A very welcome addition, being the third female champion in the series behind Cynthia and Iris. She has a very varied team layout, with no specific type recommendations as no one Pokemon can truly sweep her team unless you’ve really power levelled. Hawlucha can be dealt with Flying or Psychic moves, much like with Korrina’s. Tyrantrum and Aurorus will fall to Fighting, Tyrantrum specifically can be dealt with Water, Ice or Fairy. Gourgeist will succumb to Fire. Her Goodra can be settled with Ice or Fairy. Lastly, her Gardevoir Mega Evolves from the get go, proving to be quite troublesome due to her now immense special attack. Poison or Steel are your best bets, if you have the opportunity. I wouldn’t put it past her to be the one that provides the most difficulty, using Toxic so slowly put her down may be the best strategy if you lack any other means to beat her. Upon defeating Diantha you now mark your place as the champion of Kalos!
Congratulations on becoming the Kalos Pokemon League Champion, and thanks for using our Pokemon X & Y Elite Four guide!