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Pokemon X & Y Legendary Pokemon
The following is a guide to catching all of the Pokemon X and Y Legendary Pokemon. There's a total of 7 Pokemon X & Y legendaries, but you'll only be able to catch 4 of them (determined by game version and starter). Keep the following in mind:
- Save before each encounter, if you accidently knock-out the Legendary or lost the battle you won't be able to obatin it.
- You'll only have 1 Master Ball to use (Mewtwo is our recommendation). Because all the Legendaries are found in caves, Dusk Balls are just as effective as Ultra Balls.
How to catch Xerneas

Ability: Fairy Aura
Level: 50
Location: Team Flare HQ (X Only)
Moves: Gravity | Geomancy | Moonblast | Megahorn
How to catch Xerneas:
You'll find your version's mascot and exclusive legendary at the heart of Team Flare HQ after obtaining the seventh gym badge. The battle is necessary to progress in the game, so you shouldn't have trouble finding it. You should already have a Master Ball at this point, and you might think that this is the perfect time to use it. We strongly recommend not doing so. Xerneas and Yveltal are very easy to catch. Lower their HP down as low as it will go and throw Ultra Balls at them until they are caught. It should take a maximum of five Ultra Balls.
How to catch Ylvetal

Ability:Dark Aura
Level: 50
Location: Team Flare HQ (Y Only)
Moves: Snarl | Oblivion Wing | Disable | Dark Pulse
How to catch Ylvetal:
You will find your version's mascot and exclusive legendary at the heart of Team Flare HQ after obtaining the seventh gym badge. The battle is necessary to progress in the game, so you shouldn't have trouble finding it. You should already have a Master Ball at this point, and you might think that this is the perfect time to use it. We strongly recommend not doing so. Xerneas and Yveltal are very easy to catch. Lower their HP down as low as it will go and throw Ultra Balls at them until they are caught. It should take a maximum of five Ultra Balls.
How to catch Zygarde

Ability:Aura Break
Level: 70
Location: Terminus Cave (Post-game Only)
Moves: Crunch | Earthquake | Camoflauge | Dragon Pulse
How to catch Zygarde:
Zygarde can be found in the basement of Terminus Cave after defeating the Elite Four. It shouldn't take too long to find the bottom floor where Zygarde and a variety of rare goodies lay wait. All remaining legendaries are of equal difficulty to catch, so using your Master Ball on any one of them is an option. Otherwise, weaken it as much as you can (Xerneas works beautifully for this). The best strategy is to throw three quick balls, twenty-seven dusk balls, and as many timer balls as it takes to catch it. Come prepared with potions and revives.
How to catch Mewtwo

Level: 70
Location: Pokémon Village (Post-game Only)
Moves: Recover | Psychic | Barrier | Aura Sphere
How to catch Mewtwo:
After defeating the Elite Four, the guy who was previously blocking your entrance to the cave in Pokémon Village will leave. Simply walk into the cave and you'll find Mewtwo. Although it's equally difficult to catch, Mewtwo puts up more of a challenge to battle than Zygarde. If you want to use your Master Ball, this is definitely the one to do so on. Lower Mewtwo's HP as low as it will go (Yveltal works beautifully for this) and use the same quick ball/dusk ball/timer ball strategy that is detailed in Zygarde's entry. Mewtwo knows a healing move and a move to raise it's defense, so keeping it at a low enough HP to throw balls at it is a long and grueling process. Come prepared with potions and revives. You will receive Mewtwoite X or Y after the battle.
Legendary Birds
After defeating the Elite Four, one of three legendary bird Pokémon will begin to roam Kalos at random. Which of the three birds you can catch is dependant on which starter Pokémon you chose. You'll need to encounter the Pokémon ten times before it will wait for you at the Sea Spirit's Den. You'll have to wait until you randomly encounter the Pokémon the first time. After that, the location of the flying beast is trackable on your Pokédex. However, each time you move between a city or route the roaming legendary will teleport to a random location. The best strategy is to buy 30+ Super Repels and travel between Santalune City and Route 5 to the north of it. Run through the grass for a while and then switch back Santalune City. Every time you switch between the two, Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres will move to a different route. Eventually you'll run into it (repels don't affect roaming legendaries). Check your Pokédex after every encounter using this method; you'll eventually find that your winged beast of legend is awaiting your arrival at the Sea Spirit's Den.
If you chose... | You'll find... |
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How to catch Articuno

Level: 70
Location: Sea Spirit's Den (If you chose Chespin)
Moves: Ice Beam | Reflect | Hail | Tailwind
How to catch Articuno:
Ability: Pressure Level: 70 Location: Sea Spirit's Den (Chespin as Starter Only) Moves: Ice Beam | Relfect | Hail | Tailwind How to catch: Follow the instructions above to find your legendary bird in the Sea Spirit's Den. Come prepared with plenty of quick balls, dusk balls, or timer balls. Lower it's health and keep throwing.
How to catch Zapdos

Level: 70
Location: Sea Spirit's Den (If you chose Fennekin)
Moves: Agility | Discharge | Rain Dance | Light Screen
How to catch Zapdos:
Follow the instructions above to find your legendary bird in the Sea Spirit's Den. Come prepared with plenty of quick balls, dusk balls, or timer balls. Lower it's health and keep throwing.
How to catch Moltres

Level: 70
Location: Sea Spirit's Den (If you chose Froakie)
Moves: Safeguard | Air Slash | Sunny Day | Heat Wave
How to catch Moltres:
Follow the instructions above to find your legendary bird in the Sea Spirit's Den. Come prepared with plenty of quick balls, dusk balls, or timer balls. Lower it's health and keep throwing.
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